
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pinterest Things that me go WTF

"Please don't steal my vibe"

"Yoohoo, Have I got someone for you!"

"So then I says to him doesn't everyone wear
a hat on the can?  Baaahhaaahhaa"

"Anyone else get a hankering for a hotdog after seeing this?"

"For Christmas I wish I never have to see this in person"

"Another of those massive finds that came from the sea. WTF 
is she doing with those hot air balloons?"

"Oh an upside down out of date Mullet"

"Something Nice: Something Nice because what else
can you say."

"Someone has on a full diaper!!"

"Good idea of using the cart as an accessory"

"Cute a blushing stick"

"This must be NYC, where else can you see a Tribble on a bus"

"Put your ear close and you can hear that pole scream"

"Pippi Hogstockings"

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